February 2022 Newsletter

RCT™ (Reactive Core Technology)

Postle Industries, Inc. formulates products using RCT™ (Reactive Core Technology)

Hardfacing products usually contain multiple alloys, each ranging from 5% up to 40% of the total formula. Multiple alloys are used to give the product a wide range of performance characteristics. Each alloy used in designing hardfacing products reacts differently to energy. However, using multiple components can cause weldability problems and may not produce the best wear resistant hardfacing structure.

During welding, components in the core of the tubular wire or electrode require energy to react and melt together to form the hardfacing alloy. Postle’s Welding Products with RCT contain special “Reactors” in the core to assure a controlled reaction between alloys and other elements, improving weldability, as well as the matrix of the finished hardface product, resulting in optimum wear properties.

Benefits of RCT


Tungsten Carbides, Complex carbides, and borides in a nickel silicon matrix