Postalloy® DuraHard™ 2926-SA

Postalloy® DuraHard™ 2926-SA is a non-cracking martensitic tool steel type alloy with numerous tightly packed carbides for excellent abrasion resistance under high impact. One layer deposits exhibit wear characteristics that would be expected from a chromium carbide hardfacing product. An excellent choice for applications requiring crack free deposits with good wear characteristics. Use on carbon and low alloy steels.


Product Type

  • Submerged Arc Wire


  • Bucket pins

Weld Deposit Properties

Deposit Thickness:
Unlimited with proper procedures.
No. Must be ground.
58Rc - 61Rc

Welding Parameters

Current Type: DC Electrode Positive

Volts Amps Diameter
Typical 36.5 volts Typical 325 amps 5/64" (2.0mm)

Welding Procedure:

Flux: Lincoln 802 Flux

Packaging Options

Diameter Standard Packaging
5/64" (2.0mm) Special Order