Postalloy Uni-lance Kit

Postalloy Uni-lance Kit

Uni L1


Gouging cracked welds • Cutting Liners from ball mills • Cutting cast iron pipe • Demolition work and cutting scrap • Gouging hard surfaces • Piercing starter holes for shape cutting material • Cutting thick pieces of steel/iron • Removing frozen pins from hydraulic cylinders • Removing bucket teeth from dozer blades and dragline buckets • Piercing holes in rock or concrete • Railroad track maintenance • Cut reinforced rod • Highway maintenance and cutting guard rails • Cut boiler and storage tanks

Exothermic cutting is a chemical reaction (oxidation) that occurs when steel is heated to its kindling temperature and is injected with pure oxygen under pressure. The resulting reaction reaches temperatures of 7,500°F (4,149°C). Exothermic cutting is extremely efficient for rapidly cutting ferrous and non ferrous materials. The tip temperature is 2,000°F (1,093°C) hotter than an oxy/fuel torch. The cut occurs as the steel is oxidized and the oxygen stream helps blow the hot molten slag away. Exothermic cutting works best on ferrous material as a result of the reaction with the base material but it can also be used on rock and concrete. However the exothermic reaction has less strength as the reaction strictly results from the steel lance rod. Exothermic cutting is ideal for all metals especially for those 2 inches and thicker as it provides a cost effective cut. In addition, the Postalloy® UNI-LANCE exothermic cutting tool will provide a quality cut with zero degree bevel and a clean, smooth surface with little to no slag on the bottom.

Unilance 1
Unilance pin
Unilance decking
Unilance pin 2